

For any query related to Bajaj Auto Credit Limited, just send us an email on

Call us at Customer care Helpline number 8287222111. Our service executives are available between 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM from Monday to Saturday.

Always call from your registered mobile number to serve you better.

Customer Care Desk, Bajaj Auto Credit Limited, Bajaj Auto Complex, Mumbai Pune Road, Akurdi, Pune -411035

We are committed to resolving your queries/issues within ten working days. If you do not hear from us within this time or are not satisfied with our resolution of your query, you can reach out our grievance redressal officer Mr. Suresh Subramaniam at or can call  on 020 – 66107134  (charges apply) on all working days from Monday to Friday between 9.30 am to 5.30 pm. Alternatively, you can reach the nodal officer/ principal nodal officer at-

Nodal Officer

Mr. Rakesh Kumar

Bajaj Auto Credit Limited

Bajaj Auto Complex, Mumbai Pune Road,

Pune, Maharashtra

India -411035

Email ID -

Telephone Number – 020 66106558


Principal Nodal Officer

Mr. Anil Rathi

Bajaj Auto Credit Limited

Bajaj Auto Complex, Mumbai Pune Road,

Pune, Maharashtra

India -411035

Email ID –

Telephone Number – 020 66107341


If your issue/ escalation remains unresolved or if you have not received response within 30 days of lodging an issue/ escalation, you can write to RBI for redressal of your grievances at below address:


Centralized Receipt and Processing Centre

Reserve Bank of India, 4th Floor, Sector 17,

Chandigarh – 160017 Toll Free 14448


OR, you can also register your compliant to RBI CMS Portal: