
Fees and Charges



Two -Wheeler


Fees and Charges Name

Amount (₹) / Percentage (%)
(Inclusive of Applicable Taxes)

Processing Fee -Two Wheeler

Up to 5.00% of Loan Amount as a standard percentage.

*For special schemes where PF is >5% approval from MD to be availed.

Documentation Charges -Two Wheeler

Up to Rs. 1000/-

Cash Handling Charges (If repayment mode is Cash) - Two Wheeler

Up to Rs. 1500/-


Commercial Vehicle


Fees and Charges Name

Amount (₹) / Percentage (%)
(Inclusive of Applicable Taxes)

Processing Fee - Commercial Vehicle

For new Vehicles:
-Up to 5.00% (inclusive of applicable taxes) of Loan Amount as standard percentage.

*For special schemes where PF is >5% approval from MD to be availed.

Documentation Charges

ICV: Up to Rs. 6,000/-

Cash Handling Charges (If repayment mode is Cash)

ICV: Up to Rs. 2,000/-


Other Charges (Applicable for all loans)


Fees and Charges Name

Amount (₹) / Percentage (%)
(Inclusive of Applicable Taxes)

Bounce Charge / EMI default charge

In case of default of repayment Rs.450/-

Penal Charge

Delay in payment of instalment(s) shall attract penal charges of Rs. 6 per day for TW and Rs. 10 per day for 3W per instalment from the respective due date until the date of receipt of the full instalment(s) amount.

Stamp Duty (As per respective State)

As applicable

Broken period interest / Pre EMI-Interest

Broken Period Interest/Pre EMI Interest" shall mean the amount of interest on Loan for the number of day(s) which is:

Scenario 1: Over and above the period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of disbursement of the loan.
Method of recovery of Broken Period Interest/Pre-EMI Interest: Amount to be added in the first instalment OR Principal loan amount (as per customer’s choice).

Scenario 2 : Less than period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of disbursement of the Loan, Interest on first instalment will be charged for actual number of days.

SOA Charges


Duplicate (Physical) NOC Charges

Rs. 500/-

Repossession Charges

Rs. 5000/-

Repayment mode Change Charges

Rs. 590/-

Hypothecation Charge

Up to Rs. 200/-

Mandate registration Charge (Physical Mandate)

Rs. 118/-

Stock Yard Parking Charges - Two Wheeler

Up to Rs.100/- per day for 60 days (max)

Stock Yard Parking Charges - Commercial Vehicle

Up to Rs.125/- per day for 60 days (max)

Loan Cancellation Charges


Legal Charges

At Actuals

Loan Foreclosure Charge
(Full and Part Pre Payment)

3% of Principal Amount being paid towards Part/Full Prepayment.

Valuation Charges

Used Vehicle - up to Rs. 2000/- ( Inclusive of applicable taxes)